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Credit Cards for No Credit If you are just graduating high school and heading off to college you might be aware that you do not yet have any credit. And searching for a card can be difficult because no one wants to lend to an unestablished individual. Or, if you spent a bit recklessly when you were younger you could have created a card for bad credit so getting a new student credit card can seem a little difficult at times. But not to worry has a variety of credit card options for you to choose from. You can find almost anything regardless of your credit standing even if you have none. If you are unsure about getting a credit card just yet, then experiment with a prepaid credit card. These prepaid credit cards don’t require any sort of a monthly payment. You just load them as you go and spend them wherever major secured credit cards are accepted. Once you establish yourself you will soon find out that the FICO scores/credit scores are used to represent the creditworthiness of a person and may be one indicator to the credit type you are eligible for. And that credit score alone does not guarantee or imply approval for any credit card offer. And regardless of that we can help you raise your credit score to what it needs to be and help get you get the things you need like student and car loans for bad credit history clients. At we are dedicated to helping improve your credit score and grow your financial future.